We welcome Daan van Rooij as our newest Technical Specialist
Only two months after we welcomed Floris as a new member of team Cenex NL, we welcome Daan van Rooij as the newest member. Daan started in the last days of March as our new assistant technical specialist. He will start with working on the SuSMo project where he applies his expertise in shared mobility to manage the final stage of the project.

Daan van Rooij
Last year Daan finished a 2-year master Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics at the TU Delft. He dedicated his master thesis to small scale neighbourhood shared mobility hubs, exploring the potential users, their perceptions and the travel behaviour effects of the hubs. Starting with the explorative research into the demands and wants of potential hub users by consulting experts and holding focus group meetings with potential users. The results of this research were used to set up a survey to gather real-world data. This data was analysed, using a binary logistic regression model, to find the effect of hubs on car ownership and travel behaviour. You can read his thesis on the right or click the button to download it.
Besides focussing on his studies he also organised a study tour to Copenhagen, during which they visited multiple companies including Maersk and DFDS. Besides study-related activities he was also active in the rock climbing association Yeti, serving on the board for one year. These days, in his free time, he can be found in the kitchen cooking for his girlfriend or making his own sausage, or on the road on his bike, weather permitting.
“I’m looking forward to starting my career at Cenex NL. I already feel right at home within the team and am excited about the coming projects.” – Daan van Rooij
You can download Daan’s thesis via the download button or browse through it on your right.