Successful LEVIS partner meeting in rainy VIGO
It is always wonderful to see that being part of innovation projects doesn’t only mean having to navigate challenges, but that it also goes hand-in-hand with exciting progress and achievements.
On February 21 and 22, the partners in the LEVIS project gathered for a two-day session at partner AIMEN in O Porriño, Pontevedra, Spain. With the project now 2 years underway, the partner meeting provided a fresh and in person opportunity to discuss updates, questions and insights on the progress made to-date.
Led by ITAINNOVA · Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón, the LEVIS project is developing EV components using eco-design and circular economy approaches. The LEVIS consortium, built by industrial and research partners from seven countries, will demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of producing these components in three real-case demonstrators: a suspension arm, a battery box set and a cross car beam.
Over the course of two days, we zoomed in on the designs and various aspects being addressed during the development of the innovative materials and manufacturing processes. We explored the intermediate findings from ongoing trials for end-of-life strategies of the new materials and processes, as well as the solutions for modelling, simulations and predictive sensoring. Cenex NL’s Floris Teunissen lead the exchange for the ongoing comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment that aims to unravel the environmental and technoeconomic impacts for the three LEVIS demonstrators. We also had the opportunity to visit AIMENs facility where they work on the development of advanced manufacturing processes focusing on joining and laser technologies. And last but not least of course, the partners outlined the next steps on this journey of innovation within the Automotive industry.
Many thanks to all LEVIS partners, and especially our AIMEN colleagues for hosting this great two-day session!
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