Clear Capture
CLEAR Capture uses a simple, cost effective, plugin device that gathers real world vehicle drive cycle data. Using this data, Cenex provide fleet managers with reliable, accurate whole life costs, operational performance and emissions savings comparisons of switching from a conventional vehicle to an ultra-low emissions vehicle (ULEV).

The REVOLVE model has been developed by Cenex with the aim of providing realistic revenue calculations and charging schedules for Smart Charging, V2G and Battery Storage propositions.
The problem of calculating the possible revenue from storage and EV charging assets is not a simple one to solve. This is due to the through time consequences of each decision to either charge or discharge the asset. Additionally, there is a challenge of modelling many assets together in order to provide sufficient flexibility (both in power capacity and through time coverage) to enter into central flexibility markets.
Jigsaw is a modelling tool that was created to explore the synergy within a multi-vector energy network. It can simulate a network by joining different electricity generation and demand modules to give a technical assessment of the network in terms of energy consumption, generation, demand, losses, carbon emissions and total cost to the network.

Visit address
Overhoeksplein 2
1031 KS Amsterdam
Postal address
Jollemanhof 148
1019 GW Amsterdam
+31 (0)20 36 99 883